Innovative Learning Classroom Building (ILCB) Public Art Competition
Texas A&M University Announces Competition to Commission Public Art Installations
In early 2023, Texas A&M University announced an open competition for professional artists or artist teams to commission two site-specific public art installations inside and outside of the Innovative Learning Classroom Building (ILCB).
The winning artist and team chosen to produce both installations is Mirek Struzik of STRUZIK ART LTD.
The primary installation will be an outdoor piece located on the second floor on a rooftop terrace. The second artwork will be an inside wall installation, also located on the second floor across from the terrace. Both pieces are meant to connect to each other in a meaningful way.
Artists were asked to consider the following inspirational words when coming up with ideas for the public art installations:
SITE 1: ILCB, Second Floor, Rooftop Terrace
- Located on the outside of the ILCB on the second floor rooftop terrace.
- This is intended to be the primary artwork.
- The terrace is 28’ long x 12’ wide; the maximum space available for the installation is approximately 6’ long x 6’ wide.
- The artwork must fit within the 6′ x 6′ base and not extend past the base up to a height of 6′ 8″ per ADA regulations. Beyond 6′ 8″, the artwork can extend past the 6′ x 6′ perimeter.
- The terrace artwork support consists of four 3″ x 3″ x 3/8″ angles. The supports extend above the roof membrane.
- The piece will sit on the south end of the terrace.
- The art piece may be kinetic but not motorized.
- The maximum weight limit for the artwork is 1,500 pounds, and the weight should be distributed to multiple connection points.
- Artists will be responsible for any engineering needed to support works weighing more than 1,500 pounds.
- Power is available at this location if desired by the artist.
Commission: $125,000
SITE 2: ILCB, Second Floor, West Wall
- – Located inside the ILCB on the second floor on a west wall near the main stairs and across from the rooftop terrace.
- – This is intended to be the secondary artwork and should relate to the first.
- – The wall measures approximately 53’ long x 9.5’ high.
- – The artwork must not extend past 4″ from the wall, up to a height of 6′ 8″, per ADA regulations. Beyond 6′ 8″, the artwork can extend 4″ or more past the wall.
- – Artwork may be any material, including vinyl graphic.
- – The maximum weight limit for the artwork is 500 pounds, and the weight should be distributed to multiple connection points.
- – Wall is plywood reinforced sheetrock with a weight limit of 100 pounds per square foot.
- – Power is available at this location if desired by the artist.
– Commission: $75,000
Accepting Entries: Deadline March 15, 2023
Artists or artist teams will submit concept designs, drawings, artist statement, materials list, budget breakdown, and a résumé reflecting their ability to handle a project of this size. Deadline March 15, 2023.
Jury Selection of Finalist: Week of March 20, 2023
The jury will narrow down the artist pool and contact the finalist. Those not selected as the finalist will not be contacted.
Revision of Winning Concept: April 2023
University Approval of Final Proposal: By May 15, 2023
Contracts Signed: Early June 2023
Installation: February 2024
After concepts are approved and contracts are signed, the winning artist/s or artist team/s will install the art. A $200,000 commission will be awarded; commission awards are intended to cover all artist costs including, but not limited to, artist travel, fabrication, shipping, installation, engineering review (if necessary), etc. The university will provide lighting, signage, personnel lift, ladders, or scaffolding, if needed for installation.